The association

Restart eSport Club is a non-profit association of the 1901 law created in July 2014 and filed in November of that same year. The goal of the club is to promote electronic sport in France via two essential means: the participation of its players in video game competitions and the organization of online and offline events. The association is composed of volunteer members from significantly different professional backgrounds. The cohesion of the team is what the club strives for, whilst players can share their passion in video games and e-sports.

Volunteers earn no salary or financial reward for their work with Restart eSport Club. They just put their skills to the benefit of the association so that it operates in the most efficient way possible whilst striving to become one of the main eSport Club’s in France.

The association consists on players from 7 nationalities. The association has about 100 active members and over 700 people supporting the organisation.


France Flag Belgique Flag Sud Af Flag Canada Flag Monaco Flag Algerie Flag USA Flag

Our eSports and community teams

Our association currently includes about fifty players spread over seven competitive games. Most of our players have been part of the organisation for more than 12 months. Players are required to regurarly participate in various competitions in order to remain part of the organisation. This ensures that the organisation has both a sports and media presence at the different scenes of French eSport.

Our goals are to recruit several new members for 2019, including disciplines under the Battle Royale gaming genre and the MOBA gaming genre. These are the upcoming game genre for the competitive scene and Restart eSport Club aims to always stay relevant in the current competitive scene. Recruiting into these other genres will allow the organisation to reach a much larger audience as well.

Team Hearhtstone

Team Hearhtstone

6 players

Team Super Smash Bros

Team Super Smash Bros

3 players

Team Fortnite

Team Fortnite

8 players

Team Starcraft II

Team Starcraft II

5 players



4 players

Team Call Of duty

Team Call Of duty

5 players

Team League of Legends

Team League of Legends

5 players

Fifa club pro

Fifa club pro

20 players

Team Rocket League

Team Rocket League

3 players

Team Rainbow Six

Team Rainbow Six

5 players

Team Fifa 1v1

Team Fifa 1v1

2 players

Team Trackmania

Team Trackmania

2 players


Since 2014, our association has managed to position itself on the French eSport scene as one of the most promising associations. With more than 700 people trying out for the organisation, since its creation, the organisation has ensured that only the best players are selected. Since the barrier of entry is so high, the members of Restart eSport Club has faired extremely well at both online and offline events. At this moment the club has over a hundred podium finishes for both online and offline tournaments.

The achievements of our members has also costed us in a sense, as we have lost some of our players to some of the other professional French and European organisations. Currently, several ex-Restart players are playing for the likes of Nuit Blanche, Warlegends and OgamingTV.


August 2018

Top 4

march 2018


march 2017
Matnet challenge


june 2018


october 2017


october 2016


may 2018

Top 8

may 2017


april 2018


april 2016


Top 1


ESports Results

Social networks

The use of social networks, especially Facebook and Twitter, offers us an optimal means of communication with our community. We regularly use our social media channels for news regarding competitive eSport, our members, upcoming tournaments and our partners. We also host contests on social media to interact with our supports and to increase our reach in the social media spheres.

We regularly interact with our fans, to energize and strengthen it. We have ensured that we always respond to posts within 24 hours. Our fan base is growing steadily, and our main source of growth is through the media coverage of our players at large LAN events or online tournaments. During 2019, we strive to increase our impact on social media and to provide more coverage of eSport related news.

Web site

The association has a very active website which is constantly improved and updated. The main functions of the website is as follows:

WebTV & Twitch TV, which includes the schedule of broadcasts, the live stream and the discussion board
Association section, which provides all the information about the structure, the teams and the members
News section, in which members post articles with regards to the activities of the association and on e-sport in general
Results section, which provides the results of our members. with exclusive features to engage the community
The webTV and Twitch TV sections generate the majority of page views. This is of course due to the community and participative aspects of these. The pages of presentation of the association, teams and partners are the second source of traffic on our site. We always aim to ensure our site is the most “user friendly” and allows us to put forward relevant content regarding news, media and partners.

the WebTV

We chose to use the Twitch TV service, known and recognized by all. This one was for us an obvious choice aimed to reaching the largest audience possible and in particular because of its practicality. The service is extremely reliable in its media reach as it spans across the globe and has the largest footprint of all the streaming services. Our channel is currently not as active as we want it to be, however, it has been made one of our priorities for 2019!

The main objective of the Twitch channel for this new season will be to achieve Twitch Partner level, to enjoy all the benefits associated with it. We regularly offer streamed content by our different teams. We will set up a new rich schedule, which consists of 20 hours of live footage per week on varied content to diversify the channel’s audience.

We will also feed our Youtube channel with video content from the events we are going to participate in this year. This will include our team’s gaming sessions, reruns from past tournaments and personalized content such as debates and video logs.

The followers on the channel has increased by 23% between 2016 and 2017 thanks to the participation of different independent streamers. During the same period, the views has more than doubled (+131%) over the same period.

During June 2018, we had a charity stream for the Gironde SPA. This event was a massive success and we raised a large amount of funds for the charity.

They trusted us

Since its creation, and upstream, our association and its players are involved in the French sports scene. This allowed us to take part and organize many events and interventions related to the esport and in partnership with major brands or institutions.

 tournaments Organization

In partnership with Asus RoG France we have realized a series of online tournaments on the game Starcraft 2.
These tournaments spanned a period of 10 months on a weekly basis.

43 éditions
more than 1000 players
more than 500€ cashprize

BV fifa league

We have realized in partnership with Bureau Vallée Mayote a local tournament on the game Fifa18. More info:
This tournament was a local first, and attracted the interest of many visitors.

1 édition
32 players
500€ of dotation

Stand animation

Invited by Aorus France during the Paris Games Week 2018, our PUBG team came to animate the stand of the brand for 3 days.
Note that the PGW is over 300 000 visitors in 2018!

2 players
318 000 visitors
12h of live

our collaboration

Today, our association is positioned as an incubator of rising stars and innovators. In addition to the competitive aspect of our players and their regular presence in many tournaments, our members are in constant reflection of innovative projects :
Hosting tournaments in partnership with local organisations
Media partnership with charitable objectives
Expanding to new markets: Indian Ocean and South Africa
Promotion of « Made in France »
Incubation of new talents and rising stars

We are aware that a partnership is not one way, that’s why we propose the highlighting of your brand through the various levers that we are able to offer, so that your brand is present on the French eSportive scene:

Web TV
 Web site
Social media
Events (both attending and hosting)

eSports is an attractive and growing market! Many users become consumers if the product and brands are displayed and utilised in the correct ways. The media and social networks have an important impact and power of persuasion in the lives of people. It has been shown that social media has a massive impact on the buying habits of individuals aged between 16 to 25 years. This is a way to reach an audience who might become brand loyal in the future.

Réseaux sociaux

Nous relayerons votre actualité et communiquons sur vos produits au travers d’une politique de communication adaptée. Nous pourrons également réaliser des jeux concours afin d’animer et dynamiser nos communautés. L’objectif étant de cibler au mieux nos actions afin de toucher votre cible.

Nous vous proposons donc d’inclure votre logo dans les bannières de nos réseaux sociaux. Les bannières seront retravaillées au mieux pour intégrer votre logo. Celui-ci sera également présent sur toutes les annonces importantes diffusées par l’association.
Votre marque sera également citée sous forme de mentions et/ou de hashtag dans le descriptif de l’association, et lors des évènements et concours organisés sur nos pages.

Web TV

Nous vous proposons également d’inclure votre logo et vos publicités sur notre Web TV, en fonction de la formule choisie.
Nous pouvons inclure ces deux éléments dans le descriptif de la chaîne avec, selon votre choix, un logo, une publicité, un texte, des liens …
Nous intégrerons également votre logo en surimpression lors des lives et émissions diffusés sur la web TV. Ceux-ci seront donc à la vue de tous.
Il est également possible d’intégrer des coupures publicitaires avec un spot fourni par vos soins lors des « entractes ».


Le merchandising, et plus particulièrement les maillots de l’association sont un bon moyen de communiquer vis à vis de votre cible. Votre logo sera intégré sur un emplacement dédié à cet effet sur notre maillot, afin d’être visible par un maximum de consomateurs.
Nous faisons gagner régulièrement des goodies, dont des maillots et t-shirts via nos réseaux sociaux. Cela permet une mise en avant de nos différents partenaires.

Site internet

Nous vous proposons également d’inclure votre logo, ainsi qu’un lien sur notre site web. L’objectif étant de générer du trafic qualifié vers la cible de votre choix.
Pour cela, nous avons retravaillé deux emplacements dédiés à cet usage :
• Un module en page d’accueil « nos partenaires » comprenant un logo, un lien et un court descriptif
• Des modules « sponsorisés » vers certains produits de votre choix.
Nous avons également mis en place une page dédiée à nos partenaires, avec affichage de votre logo, un paragraphe de votre choix, ainsi que des liens vers votre site web et vos réseaux sociaux.
En cas de contribution avancée de votre part, nous intégrerons un background à vos couleurs, ainsi qu’un module de mise en avant de vos produits en page d’accueil et sur une page dédiée.


Nous avons prévu, pour la saison 2018, de participer à de nombreux évènements, et si possible d’en organiser un par nous-même.
Nous seront présents sur les plus grands évènements eSportifs français :
Dreamhack, Paris Games Week, Gamers Assembly, HF Lan, PXL …
Nous pouvons mettre en avant votre marque et vos produits durant ces événements via plusieurs moyens de communication visuelle : Kakémono, Affiches, Flyers, Stand de démonstration …


Nous avons découpé nos attentes de la manière suivante :
Contribution simple : contribution < 500€ en numéraire ou matériel (lots, goodies, fourniture de boissons) - Cette contribution équivaut à équiper une dizaine de joueur avec des produits de votre choix.

Contribution intermédiaire : contribution comprise entre 500 et 2 000€ en numéraire ou matériel – Cette contribution équivaut à équiper une vingtaine de joueur et/ou de streameurs avec des produits de votre choix.

Contribution avancée : contribution > 2 000€ en numéraire ou matériel.

Tous les termes et contreparties sont négociables en fonction de vos attentes vis à vis de vos cibles.

Keep in touch

10 + 5 =


Restart eSport Club – Association under law 1901
RNA : W332017759
SIREN : 830 187 993 00027

33170 Gradignan – Nouvelle Aquitaine – France

[email protected]